Celebrate Easter with Us!
We're excited to gather with one another on Easter weekend and celebrate the resurrection of Jesus and the hope and new life he makes available to each one of us.
Good Friday | April 18
Service | 7:00-8:00PM
Good Friday is a very special part of the Church calendar for believers of Jesus Christ. On this day, we remember the cross where Jesus bore our sin and shame upon his shoulders. While this day is a solemn day in history, as Christ-followers we have the full perspective and know what happens next!
Join us for a contemplative, 1 hour service. Note: the nursery will not be open during this service; all children remain with their family.
Egg Hunt | April 19
For Kids Ages 1 - 10
Saturday, April 19 @ 10:00AM
It's free and held rain or shine! If it rains on Saturday, we will move the Egg hunt inside our building. Come find the 18,000 candy-filled eggs we're "hiding" on our church grounds! Bring a basket or bag for your eggs and invite your friends. We will also have a fun indoor scavenger hunt for kids as well as coffee and tea for parents. Join us for a fun morning!
Be sure to allow enough time to park and make your way to the field. Kids are grouped by age on the field.
Interested in volunteering during the Egg Hunt? We're so glad you want to help!
We need to spread out the candy-filled eggs on our large field, assistance with parking, helpers during the event, and clean up.
Time Commitment:
- Set Up Volunteers (8:00 AM - 9:15 AM)
- Parking (9:15 - 10:15 AM)
- All Other Volunteers (9:15 AM - 12:30 PM, includes clean up)
Lost Child: If you become separated from your child please go to the Welcome Tent immediately and we will help you locate your child.
Nut-free & Peanut-free Candy: If your child has nut and/or peanut allergies, please stop by the Welcome Tent. We will replace the candy collected with nut-free and peanut-free candies while supplies last.
Easter Sunday | April 20
Two Services | 9:00 & 10:30 AM
Click here to read more about our Sunday morning programs for children.
Livestream | 9:00 AM & 10:30 AM*
- Church Online: valleybrook.online.church
- YouTube: YouTube Live
*The 10:30 AM is a replay of the 9:00 AM service.